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The advancement process in Troop 285 requires three meetings:

  • A patrol leader discussion,
  • A scoutmaster conference, and
  • A Board of Review.

Patrol leader discussion: Get with your patrol leader and go over the requirements for the rank. If he agrees you are ready to move forward, you need to take the initiative to schedule a conference with Scoutmaster Bill McCallister.

The Scoutmaster conference: 
(No Scout uniform is needed for this conference)

Part 1: Print out the Scoutmaster conference form for the rank you seek. Write out all of your answers to the questions on the form give to the Scoutmaster. Once the scoutmaster has reviewed your written responses, he will inform you if you are ready. Now you may schedule your Scoutmaster conference.

Part 2: Email the Scoutmaster. He will coordinate with you a time and place for your conference. Bring all materials required on the Scoutmaster conference form for the rank you seek.

Once the Scoutmaster recommends you for advancement, you may schedule your Board of Review.

The Board of Review:
(The Board of Review requires full class-A Scout uniform, including shirt, pants, belt, merit badge sash, neckerchief, slide, Scout socks and dark shoes—no tennis shoes or sandals are permitted.)

1. Sign up for your board on the sheet on the bulletin board located in the back of the Scout lodge.

2. Print out the correct board of review form and all other required forms pertaining to the rank you are seeking.

3. Bring your fully signed off Scout handbook along with all required items stated on your rank form.

4. Be ready to be tested by the older advancement boys (Star rank or higher) and selected adults.

Questions? Contact the Advancement Chair

Getting ready

You can always try to get one of the dads or and Assistant Scoutmaster to work with you at a Troop meeting. But you have to be prepared. It is not supposed to be a training session – it is a time to show that you have already mastered the material. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Study the Scout Handbook. Read everything and underline or highlight the important stuff. If it is a skill, like tying a knot, practice until you can do it with your eyes closed.
  2. When you think you know it, explain what you learned to your folks, a sibling, a friend, a Scouting buddy.
  3. Then read the material in the Scout Handbook again. Make notes on the things you learned when you presented the material the first time and do more practicing.
  4. Then go to your Patrol Leader and explain it all to him. If he feels you are ready, pick out a dad or Assistant Scoutmaster that you want to talk to get the requirement signed off. It would be best to email him ahead of the meeting to ask for an appointment but if you are prepared, feel free to approach any of the leaders at any time.
  5. 5. Before you go to the leader, review the material in your Scout Handbook one more time (that should be easy, especially if you have underlined important information and made notes in your handbook).
  6. When you have it down cold, meet the leader at the meeting. Have your book open to the proper page for him to sign and know which pages cover the material. (Sometimes the leader will want to reference these pages as he questions you). You also need to have a pen in hand – give that to the leader when you hand him the book. Don’t expect others to be prepared for you. Your aim is to eliminate every hurdle between you and your goal – even the little stuff like having a pen!

That is what it means to “Be Prepared” as it relates to advancement. It also means that you will probably advance much more rapidly while at the same time you develop some really great life skills.

© 2025 BSA Troop 285 - Boy Scouts of America
© 2025 BSA Troop 285 - Boy Scouts of America