Troop Handbook
Merit Badges
Merit Badges allow scouts to examine specific subjects thoroughly; possibly resulting in a future career field. Merit Badges are required on your journey to becoming an Eagle Scout and are earned via Merit Badge Counselors who are experts in the field. These badges can be earned at summer camps, troop meetings, Alamo Area Council’s Merit Badge University events or with specially coordinated additional meetings. We recognize Scouts who apply themselves and earn at least 50 merit badges with the “Big Fifty Award”.
Over 130 Merit Badges are offered by BSA. A recommended path to earn certain Merit Badges in Troop 285 is:
- Scout’s first year Merit Badges provide a foundation for participation in other activities and should include the following:
- Swimming
- Personal Fitness,
- Family Life
- First Aid
- Scout’s second year Merit Badges should include the following:
- Citizenship in the Community
- Pioneering
- Cooking
- Environmental Science
- Life Saving
- Scout’s third year Merit Badges should include the following:
- Citizenship in the Nation
- Camping
- Hiking
- Cycling
As an integral part of the maturity process, all scouts must learn to master the “art” of setting attainable goals and time management. One way a family can foster growth in the process is to have a discussion of goals for merit badges to earn during the school year.
The following merit badges lend themselves to be earned during the school year:
- Art
- Athletics (most scouts participate in team sports)
- Chemistry
- Coin Collecting
- Collections
- Computers
- Journalism
- Music (many scouts are in band/orchestra)
- Pets
- Reading (Mandatory in Troop 285)
- Scholarship (Mandatory in Troop 285)
- Snow Sports (many families go to Colorado/New Mexico)
- Sports
- Stamp Collecting
Important Note
Troop 285 does require that most Eagle-required Merit Badges to be taught and earned only within the Troop. These Merit Badges are foundational and emphasize life skills which are taught by experts in their fields. If these Merit Badges should be earned other than within Troop 285, the scout may be required to re-take some of the requirements.
Backpacking, Reading, Sustainability, and Scholarship are mandatory in Troop 285