Troop Handbook

General Expectations
Scouting is a Partnership
How Patrols Work
Communications in the Troop
Merit Badges
Scouting is a Partnership
Each partnership is important to the Scout’s success and the quality of their Scouting experience. A parent/mentor can best contribute by becoming an active member of the adult leadership of the troop. As you become engaged with the troop and understand the scouting program and expectations, you can incorporate them in the daily routing of your home so that scouting is not an activity, but rather a lifestyle. Moms play a critical role in helping their son meet each target along the Scouting Trail in Troop 285.
The official troop policy is that campouts are a father/son experience for the importance of mentorship and male bonding. Summer and spring break activities offer opportunities to the entire family. Some ways parents can support the troop are:
- Secretary for Committee Meetings
- Merit badge counselor
- Ticket coordinator for Fiesta Parades
- Registration coordinator
- Special events planning/coordinating
- Be a mentor and guide for scouts and families while your son serves in a leadership roles.
- Historical Committee
- Training Coordinator
- Social Media Coordinator
Most importantly: Scouts who participate and stay focused are more likely to achieve the status of Eagle Scout. Naturally, with school and other distractions, they can falter on their path to Eagle. Please volunteer in a role where you feel comfortable or create a new one! Suggestions are always welcome.